If you are looking for a good credit card as a college student, look no further! Discover is offering free $50 sign up bonus when you sign up for their credit card, and best of all there are even more bonuses. Every year, you could get $20 reward for maintaining a 3.0+ GPA, and as such you are getting a total of $70 simply for signing up, and $130 throughout college. It is an offer that cannot be beat!
Additionally, discover also offers a generous 5% cash back on purchases, which is almost unheard of. To put it simply you:
1) Sign up here
2) Get $50 in cash back + $20 for good grades.
3) Earn $70 in total, just for signing up, and earn 5% on purchases thereafter.
As a college student, it is also important to build your college score early, so start today!